How to book?
Find and book the villa or cottage that's right for you in 3 easy steps:
1. Choose your Holiday Property in Spain
Browse our website at your leisure, starting at our villas and cottages in Spain page.
You can select holiday properties by area, travel dates, number of bedrooms or people.
You can then refine your search using filters - the page reloads automatically.
Each villa and cottage is clearly described with photographs and full price details.
The "overview" tab is our holiday home description and professional review based on our property visits and some information the owner provided.
Client´s reviews may help you decide but you should be assertive when reading them.
We often add an "RT update" to a client´s review if an update is relevant to such comment.
New villas usually won´t have any customer´s reviews yet.
2.Check the Price and Availability
In a selected property, click the Availability tab to see your selected villa's booking calendar.
In most cases that availability will be up-to-date, but not always (see next point for further information).
Occasionally dates are shown on our online calendars as "on hold", this means that the availability for the requested dates are unknown, but you can still send your request (see point 3 for further information).
Prices and payment are in Euros. If you choose a different currency, prices shown are only as a guide since they are based on daily currency conversions from an external source.
When you enter dates on the calendar, the price (or minimum price) will be displayed.
You may see some properties have "accommodation options" associated to a quoted price, this means you will then only pay for the space you use (reduced party rates), but you still have exclusive use of the property. Only in these cases the price will change depending on how many people you are.
Our published weekly prices are always per property, not per person.
Most holiday villa rent on a weekly basis while some may accept less than 7 nights or more than 7 nights in low or mid season. We will let you know if your dates are possible when you send us a request or an enquiry (see next point for further information).
3. You now have four different options:
Click the Request Hold button.
You are ready to book now but may need to make travel arrangements (e.g., book flights) before confirming your villa booking.
Send us your hold (or provisional booking) request.
If the hold is possible, you will receive an email with a link to our secure Online Booking Service (payment via credit / debit card).
The hold period is normally between 24 and 48 hours.
We don´t normally place holds for longer periods than 72 hours as this service is meant for clients who are ready to book but just need to finalize travel arrangements first.
Important: please note that the hold is not operative until we have confirmed it to you by email. If you have any questions we may need to clarify them before we activate a provisional booking and send you a link to our booking system. We may also need to double-check availability before we can place the hold for you.
Click the Request Booking button.
If you are ready to book, please send us a booking request.
If the booking is possible, you will receive an email with a link to our secure Online Booking Service, which you can then access immediately (payment via credit / debit card).
We will confirm your booking on receipt of a payment of 25% of the total value of the property rental, unless the booking is within 8 weeks of the holiday, in which case the full amount will be due.
The window for booking and paying the non-refundable deposit is normally open between 24 and 48 hours.
Important: please note that you must wait for our email to confirm availability, dates and price before you can make the booking.
If you are not ready to book yet, feel unsure or you simply have some questions, you should check with us before you request a hold or a booking.
Our "Send enquiry" facility on the property pages allows you to ask questions about a property.
If you do not hear back from us after sending a request (we normally reply within one working day), there may have been an email deliverability problem. In which case, please email us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone: (+34) 913 013 086.
You can also contact us by phone or send us a regular email.
We can give you advice and recommendations based on our personal knowledge of the properties and their locations.
Reservations Phone Line: (+34) 91 301 30 86 – open Monday to Friday, 10:00AM to 6:00PM (Madrid time)
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. – we monitor emails every day, including weekends.
Need help?
For guidance and queries, you are invited to contact our knowledgeable team
+ 34 913 013 086
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
What we do
We handpick the villa for its quality, charm and value-for-money
We handpick the location for its natural beauty & places of interest
We provide local information for a successful and rewarding holiday
Why choose us
Fully bonded Travel Agency for your financial security and peace of mind
No surcharge guarantee applies to all bookings
Local specialists based in Spain, we know the rural locations and what they have to offer